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What is Standard Minute Value - SMV

What is Standard Minute Value - SMV
Standard Minute Value Calculation

We sale all types of Store Management ERP, Textile and Garments  Accounting RP, Inventory ERP, Supply Chain ERP. Please contact us to buy software. Email: apparelsoftware@gmail.com, Cell# +880 1792525354
1. SMV= Basic Time + allownces

2. Line target= (total MP X WH X 60)/SMV

3. EFFICIENCY= (Totl Prodn x SMV X 100)/( Total MP x WH X 60)

4. Line performance= ( Line output x 100 )/Line target

5. Productivity = (Line Output x 100 )/ Line input

6. Spent Minute = MP x WH x 60

7. Produce Minute = Standard Minute Value- SMV or SAM x Line Output Quantity

8. Shipped Minute = SMV x Shipment Quantity

9. (CPM) Cost per minute (ship minute baisses) = Factory overhead cost/Earn Ship Minute

10. (CPM) Cost per minute (production baisses) = Factory overhead cost/Produce Minute

11. CPMPH=(Direct labour cost+Factory OH)/(Total MP x working day in a month x working hour in a day)

12. ACPPM=

13. CM(cost of making) = Standard Minute Value SMV x CPM

14. Basic pitch time (BPT)= Total Cycle Time/Total MP

15. Worker potential = 3600sec/Basic Pitch Time

16. SPT (standard total processing time)= BPT x (1+allowance time)

14.MMR(man machine ratio to = total factory manpower/total utilize time

15. Productivity Gap= (worker potential - current prodn) x 100/ current prodn

16. Watch ERROR% = Elapsed Time – (TEAS+TEBS)/ Elepsed Time x 100

TEAS=Time elapsed after study ; TEBS= Time elapsed before study

17. UCL= BPT/Wanted Organigation Efficiency% it may (65-95)%

18. LCL=( BPT x 2)-UCL

UCL=upper control limit ; LCL=lower control limit

19. Required days for the schedule= Total order Quantity/Average target

20. Re-SMV= (Total MP x 60)/Average target

21. Loss pieceses= (Total loss hours x 60) /Re-SMV

More SMV Calculation

1) Roll pick up

Sec =

Avg. Time (Sec) × Total Roll × M.P / Lay × Marker× 60

2) Marker Setting

Before Lay =

After Lay =

3) Layering

Sec =

Avg. Time (Sec) × Lay × M.P / Lay × Marker × 60

4) Cutting

Parts =

Avg. Time (Sec) × Marker Pcs. × Pattern parts / Lay × Marker × 60

Bundle Chart Registry

Total Time (Sec) / Lay × Marker × 60

5) Bundle Chart Writing

Avg. Time (Sec) × Marker Pcs. × Pattern parts / Lay × Marker × 60

6) Numbering

Parts =

Avg. Time (Sec) × Marker Pcs. × Pattern parts / Lay × Marker × 60

7) Bundling

Parts =

Avg. Time (Sec) × Marker Pcs. × Pattern parts / Lay × Marker × 60

8) Checking

Avg. Time (Sec) × Marker Pcs. × Pattern parts / Lay × Marker × 60

Total + (Total × 12-15%) =

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He is top ranked RMG Digital Marketing Consultant. He is Open Source Software Implementation Expert. He is certified professional from NCC, Aptech and New Horizons .Completed B.Sc.and M.Sc.in Software Engineering from London Metropolitan University. You can Hire Him.

Contact:Cell#+8801792525354 Email:apparelsoftware@gmail.com
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