Garments Defects
Fabric Garments Defects is very important issue for the buyers.
Example of some garments defects are - Broken stc at any part, Skipped stc /
floating stc, Open stc, Slip of stc, Some defects, Raw edge, Two front hi-low, Poor
shape at noise/ btm, Foreign yarn, Stain mark / oil stain, Irregular width at
btm, cuff rolling, Looseness inside cuff, Without bartack at Poket, hole, A
swatch card should be arranged by the physical parts of fabrics.
Stitching Defects in Garments
- Body button displaced
- Half stc at button
- Broken button
- Slip of stc at side seam
- Projection at cuff, collar
- Poket displaced attached
- Poket slanted attached
- Two Poket hi-low
- Poket flap slanted attached
- stitching defects in garments
- Glue stain mark
- Iron shining mark
- Fabric off shading / various shades at SLV
- Main label slanted attached
- Shoulder drop uneven
- Needle mark at collar, band
- Rejection by snap/ metal accessories / wash
- Collar point uneven
- Bubble at collar
- Collar band inside loose
- Fraying at body front
- Gathering stc at arm hole
- Improper back stc at cuff, btm
- Bad tension at btm stc / jam stc at slv seam
- Reverse loop attached
- Body button hole broken
- Two slv uneven ( for short slv)
- Yoke loose
- Pleat at side seam
- Intersection point up-down
- Crease mark at upper
- Hiking at front upper, lower
Garments Defects
- B/D Button up down (over 4 cm)
- Collar spread uneven (over 1 cm)
- Tie gap plus or minus (over 3 mm)
- Wrong method folding size
- In proper clip & pin attached
- Pocket slanted
- Folding side (over 1 cm)
- Wrong barcode attached
- Defective printed poly & paper band
- Wrong tie & poly attached
- Looseness attach poly
- Without punch poly
- Wrong neck board attached
- Bad looking collar pull
- Skew collar
- Neck button / Hole displaced
- Main label shrinkage
- Slanted main label / Main label bias
- Improper cuff / Sleeve show
- Back board show
- Back tail show
- Pleat near neck
- Loose folding / crushed folding
- Bulge at top center
- Pulling near B/D button
- Yoke loose
- Top center & Main label not straight / Top center not straight
- Micro dust / Stain mark / Oil stain
- Shoulder side / Double fold at shoulder
- Collar slip un even
- Two fly / rever un even
- Un – even rever width
- Skew rever fabric defects
- Bad shape nose
- Over lapping collar
- Folding side at back
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Garments Defects |
Fabric Defects
- Slub
- Spot
- Sundry faults
- Foreign yarn
- Naps
- Weft bar
- Shade bar
- Hole
- Check missing
- Missing yarn
- Thick yarn
- Knot
- Waving fabric defects
Standard Operating Procedure of Defect Reduction Drive.
Report Preparation: On Basis of OQL report made by QC of the line 2 maximum occurring defect report and Root Cause Report is prepared of sewing and finishing.
Report Analysis: Once a week generally every Saturday a meeting is being called by the CEO or ACEO with all the team members as follows:
- GM Production
- GM - HR
- GM Quality
- Maintenance in charge
- QC Trainer
- Dedicated Q.C.
Selection of Defect or the week’s drive : Two maximum occurring defects from both finishing & sewing are assigned to the factory QAM for the week’s Drive.
Action Plan of QA Manager. : Factory QAM works with his team along with PM & Technical manager to control and minimize this two defects assigned for the week’s drive. During the week they look for these two defects and takes action to control them.
Measures Taken to Control defect
- Operator Counseling – operator who makes more no. of defects is identified and counseling is done by the QAM, PM, Technical Manager & Personnel Manager.
- Operator Handling Problem – Operator is trained by technical manager & counselling is done by QAM, PM .
- Technical Problem – Technical Manager attends and solves if any Technical Problem.
- Maintenance Problem – Mechanic is called and machine is adjusted accordingly
- Operator Attitude Problem – Operator is counseled by Personnel Manager
- QC Counseling & Training – QC training and counseling is also done as a part of this drive.
- OQL Report of Garments Defects.
- Weekly Root Cause Analysis Repot
- Counseling report of QC & Operator
- Weekly Fabric Defects Analysis Report
- 2 Maximum Occurring garments defects analysis sheet.
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