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Importance of Gender Inequality in The Workplace

Gender Inequality In The Workplace

This gender inequality in the workplace will be applicable for all the staffs and workers of AUTO GROUP of all levels.To ensure equal opportunities for people of both genders in offices and factories in areas of work where gender does not matter. Some kinds of activities are reserved for people of a certain gender, but those that are not should be open to be joined by anyone of either gender. You can Read in Bangla 

Gender Inequality In The Workplace Policy:

  • Efficiency and potentiality will be the only criteria in case of hiring staffs and workers where gender doesn’t matter.
  • In case of promotion and increment, effectiveness and efficiency are the only criteria which will be considered.
  • Authority will be strictly fair to all the staffs and workers despite their gender, ethnicity and color.
  • Any sort of harassment incidents will be strictly handled by the authority.
  • Authority will be impartial to all workers, in case of dedicating any kind of responsibilities. Any kind of performance bonuses or any other kind of allowances that are given to staff or workers will be based on the quality of work and on designation; gender will not be a deciding factor in this.
  • Some work will be reserved for men and some for women depending on need for physical exertion and strength.
  • Work being done by a man and a woman for those tasks that can be done by both genders, will have efficiency and quality as the only criteria for payment and salary fixation.

Regulations & Procedures:

  • Efficiency and potentiality will be the only criteria in case of hiring staff and workers where gender doesn’t matter. All staff and workers will be made to go through interviews, tests and other assessment mechanism and based on the scores of the assessment mechanisms they will be hired and their salary will be fixed.
  • In case of promotion and increment, effectiveness and efficiency are the only criteria which will be considered. Before any promotion or an increment a person will have to be evaluated by an appraiser based on responsibilities, job description and expected targets. HR will assist the line supervisors in conducting this assessment. HR will also work with the line supervisor or the direct supervisor to come up with the salary increment recommendation and/or promotion recommendation and contingent on senior management approval, this will be put into effect.
  • Authority will be strictly fair to all the staff and workers despite of their gender, ethnicity and color. HR Department has created a format for reporting of any above incidents in the office space or in the factory floor, and over here there will be an opportunity for the victim of an incident, the accused of an incident and several witnesses to report their opinion on what happened and how it happened. So, the senior management will have the opportunity to examine a situation form several angle and hopefully be able to come up with decision which is fair in terms of gender, ethnicity and color.
  • Any sort of sexual harassment incidents will be strictly handled by the authority. The incident will have to be recorded in the incident form as explained above and it will be assessed and examined from several points of view by the senior management. Management and those who are involved in the investigation of the matter will not automatically assume that, any party has influence the incident to happen and will not approach the situation with any prejudice or biased notion. Welfare Department will make sure of the fact that, those who are involved in the investigation and judgment do not openly say anything which is biased toward any Importance of Gender Inequality  in the workplace or against any gender, and doesn’t give any kind of decision or ruling which appears unfair to the majority of the people involved in the incident.
  • Authority will be impartial to all workers, in case of dedicating any kind of responsibilities. All workers and staff will have job description based on their designation and the actual person occupying that position will have skill inventory done and it is the extent to which these match that will determine the assignment of the responsibility.
  • Some work will be reserved for men and some for women depending on need for physical exertion and strength. HR and Compliance will make a detailed list of function on the floor which requires the exclusive use of men only or women only and justification will be provided alongside to make sure that there is a proper reason and rational in assigning responsibilities based on gender. These will be signed and authorized by the top most management as well.
  • Work being done by a man and a woman for those tasks that can be done by both genders, will have efficiency and quality as the only criteria for payment and salary fixation. For those tasks which are not listed as being such that requires either exclusively men or exclusively women and there for tasks which can be done by the both will have evaluation criteria which do not have any reference to the gender inequality in the workplace and the decision on the salary fixation, increment and promotion will be based only on the performance as rated according to this criteria, not on something else.

Responsible Parties:

HR will ensure there is no discrimination when hiring is done in the offices
Production department management is responsible for following the policy when they hire workers


Importance of Gender Inequality In The Workplace

Some positions are marked for certain genders. Discrimination in those cases are not to be considered.

Feedback & Control:

  • HR and welfare collect complaints at the time of recruitment
  • HR and compliance will follow up on complaints about discrimination based on gender and will take corrective action where needed
  • Welfare will make sure at the place of recruitment of workers that discrimination is not being made based on gender
  • There will be reports on recruitment given to HR from where theImportance of Gender Inequality in the workplace ratio can be checked as well

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About Author:

He is top ranked RMG Digital Marketing Consultant. He is Open Source Software Implementation Expert. He is certified professional from NCC, Aptech and New Horizons .Completed B.Sc.and M.Sc.in Software Engineering from London Metropolitan University. You can Hire Him.

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