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How to Setup a Readymade Garments Factory ?

Readymade Garments Factory

We have gathered a pile of experience from the grassroots level in Readymade Garments sector.. The project for which we are here we must mention the name of our mother project Auto knitwear Ltd. It was established in the year of 2000. In concern of Goumati we are getting highly acclamation from the reputed buyer for our in time delivery & quality. Now in Modele auto ltd. We are very much thankful to almighty Allah that he has given us the opportunity to run the factory sharing the hand with the world reputed buyers.
Readymade Garments Factory
How to Setup a Readymade Garments Factory

GARMENTS PEDIA is the mother project of Auto Knitwear Ltd. (GKL) As a promise that by 2007 we will announce as a composite project & we have kept our promise. Now MDC has his own in housed Knitting, Dyeing, Sewing, Printing & Embroidery unit which is very essential in this competitive market As a beginning year we have exported 7 million Pcs where the turn over was around US $ 15 million consisting 10 line it was really a milestone for us & a great achievement for a new born company. Now we have 12 line consisting 400 machines & we are much more experienced then the beginning year & we are expecting to export around 10 million Pcs & the turnover will be around US $ 20 million. As we have all the section in housed we have a vision to establish a spinning mill beside the Readymade Garments Factory very soon. Beside MDC we are starting another Garment project called Auto DRESS LTD. So we can proudly say that we are the only group of company which have kept his promise to the Country & the society within very short time.

MODELE GARMENTS PEDIA. is a 6-storied building, which is all around 70,000 sq. feet except dyeing. The company has built a sample section, 3 sewing floor, one cutting floor & one finishing floor. The company has a large bonded warehouse, which has a large capacity to control any shipment easily. Beside MODELE GARMENTS PEDIA. structure the company constructing a dyeing, which is on the track.

The company is providing day care facilities
  • The company has built a mini hospital where the doctor is available
  • Workers dining space is available there
  • Separate loading bay & cargo lift
  • Central sound system
  • Single flexible chair to the each of the worker
  • Safety electrical wiring
  • Proper racking system of yarn, accessories, cartoon etc.
  • To provide pure drinking water.

The exterior decoration has been planned & implemented by “SPECTRAMLANKA” The interior decoration has been planned by “DESIGN BANGLA” & decorating by INNER VISION. Total furniture of our company is provided by “LIMING COMPANY” of Malaysia & China. Totally the company is set up on European based factory.


In the age of science & technology the world is coming in a fist. We are not far behind from this formula. We also know that better environment can give the better quality that’s why we set up our mother project MODELE GARMENTS PEDIA. from the congested area. It will take at least 25 minute from the heart of the Dhaka city.


  • The knitting factory are equipped with special attachment to produce lycra fabrics.
  • A well-integrated system of straight quality measures checks all fabrics meticulously to eliminate contamination & other faults.
  • Fukahma & Jung long of Taiwan are going to be used in knitting.


We all know that knitting is a heart of a Readymade Garments Factory besides this Dyeing is also the nerve of a factory. We have our own in housed dyeing unit which has surrounded the area 122 Decimal with a world-class water treatment plant (WTP) & Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is under process & will be completed in December & expected to get the OEKO-TEX certification by this November. The capacity of our dyeing unite is 10 tons per day. We are proud to say that the machinery which we are going to use in Dying are full of modern amenities to give world class dyed fabric to manufacture. A short listed Machine details has given below:


Printing is one of the essential Parts of this composite project. We have already started our printing unit beside Modele Garments pedia. which has the production capacity of 10000 Pcs per day. We are able to print Rubber, Pigment, Flock, and Plastisol, High-density, Gel print,Peach Skin etc.


We have an Embroidery unit which is situated under the MDC construction. We have 2 Tajima Brand (98) Machine. Where the capacity of production is around 10000 Pcs..


To increase the productivity we are adding a new dimension in the cutting sector by using spreading machine. By this machine we can cut the product automatically with right tension

Garments Division

Comprising with the latest of garments manufacturing machines-

  • New MX-8000 RPM series of Pegasus stitching machine with the basis of latch system.
  • Brother lockstitch machine.
  • Needle detector from Japan.
  • For the sewing the reason of taking 8000 RPM is-
  • It increase a wide range needs with sufficient productivity.

Production Capacity

MODELE GARMENTS PEDIA. has a great diagram about the high volume of production respecting good quality & on time delivery. As MDC is growing up day by day as a grown factory she is increasing her volume.

Factory code of conduct

MODELE GARMENTS PEDIA. is exposing her selves as a compliance factory. As following our rules & regulation we have got our great achievement of IS0 9001:2000 certification from MOODY INTERNATIONAL. We already applied for the certification of WRAP which is under process & going to get the certification by the January next year. So she has made a determination to maintain a code of conduct that is stated below –

  • Child labor is strictly prohibited.
  • Local Labor Law is to be maintained.
  • Fire safety.
  • Day care Center.
  • Providing pure drinking water.
  • A sound environment.
  • Avoid Discrimination.
  • First Aid treatment.
  • Appropriate remuranation.

Fire Safety

MODELE GARMENTS PEDIA. will be determined to keep secure its member safety. So the management is going to take the highest effort in this subject. The Readymade Garments Factory all the floor & compound is going to equipped with latest fire fighting equipments such as extinguisher, hose pipe, blanket etc.

Human Recourses & Management

Human recourses & Management is not a buzzard any in our group through our GKL journey. It is continuing in MODELE GARMENTS PEDIA. also. Painlakingly we have honored that there is no alternative of great human recourses for continuous growth of a company. As we are expanding we are forced to recognize the importance of competent Human recruits to run operation smoothly. We sincerely believed that for the progress there is no alternative of “Right people at right place”. In line with Philosophy we have already recruited few competent executives for our high-ups. The total strength will be 1500.The Company has undertaken comprehensive human resources development program for the workers, staff & professionals to ensure quality.

Quality system

The company will be consistent quality polices in line of mission and objectives. We will maintain all quality. To ensure the active participation of the workers in the quality process, the company has planned to implement the “Total Quality Management” concept of Japanese Management.

Social Activities

The honorable Managing Director of MODELE GARMENTS PEDIA. Mr. Mashiur is very soft minded in any sorts of social activities. He is doing a great job for his worker. He used to give medical compensation poor girls marriage compensation. He personally believes that if his Readymade Garments Factory worker smiles then his factory will smile. So he always tries to stand beside the worker directly & indirectly. Not only for the worker but also he always try to participate in various kinds of welfare fund. He is the member of “Chikitsa samaj seba Karjaloy” who collect fund for the poor people. Beside this he organizes an annual function to motivate the workers.

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About Author:

He is top ranked RMG Digital Marketing Consultant. He is Open Source Software Implementation Expert. He is certified professional from NCC, Aptech and New Horizons .Completed B.Sc.and M.Sc.in Software Engineering from London Metropolitan University. You can Hire Him.

Contact:Cell#+8801792525354 Email:apparelsoftware@gmail.com

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