Garments Quality Management
Quality defines the value of the product being manufactured. So, it is very essential to have an effective control on Garments Quality Management System by establishing systems and reviewing the same on routine basis. The review of Quality management system is done by having a steering committee and Core committee. The Management forms a steering committee of Mr.CEO, Mr.ACEO, Quality GM along with a Management Representative to review the systems and Proceedings of each and every Department from Cutting till Packing. aaa fffCore Committee:
The core committee members include, concerned factory GM’s, Garments Quality Management System Managers, Finishing Managers, and Technical Managers.
- The steering committee calls for a meeting on every Saturday to discuss the weekly audit results and also the new issues being tracked in the department for the week.
- For the new issues being tracked, the discussions are made and recommendations are sorted out from the steering committee along with the members of core committee.
- If the recommendations are acceptable, it goes for a final approval from Mr.CEO, who authorizes and starts the system.
- The following points are to be essentially covered in the Weekly Audit.
System Audit:
- The committee reviews the System Audit for the previous week, covering all the factories, to have check over the systems and documentations being maintained in every department starting from warehouse till Packing and also in terms of Processes, House keeping and safety.
- Scoring will be given in order to identify the best factory and also to discuss the drawbacks found in each and every factory, followed by counseling.
Quality Review:
- The committee reviews the Root Cause Analysis Report from the respective factory quality managers to identity the causes for the maximum defect rate and solving the same.
- The committee reviews the factory wise OQL summary Report to have a check over the DHU percentage and also take corrective action when deviated.
- The committee reviews the Washing Performance Report of all the factories to have a better control over quality and to have a timely control of shades.
- The committee reviews the Skip Stitch Control Report and Oil Mark Control Report to have a check over machine quality and stains in fabric, thus reducing rejections.
Compliance Audit:
- The committee reviews the Compliance Audit for the previous week, covering all the factories, to have check over the systems and documentations being maintained and is in compliance in terms of safety and process.
- Scoring will be given in order to identify the best factory and also to discuss the drawbacks found in each and every factory, followed by counseling and corrective actions.
- Apart from this, the Committee also discusses the requirements from the Third party visits and Buyer visits and also gives recommendations for the same.
- The committee also has discussions regarding the new Customer/ Buyer requirements and their specific methods and systems to be incorporated in the factory.
- The committee also discusses regarding the changes in International standards, Current policies and new Benchmarks.
Quality Management System
- Responsible for doing fabrics tests such as shrinkage, spirality, crosses staining, Shading, and Wight for fabric (GSM)...etc and maintain proper reports. Update the management if any major issue found.
Check top middle and bottom cut panels against the hard pattern whether the cutting is done in proper way.
Check the received panels from embroidery/printing part with 100% inspection. Also check for fabric damages any other rejections on cut panels and separate them for re-cutting.
Inspector must have all the details of the product as discussed pre-production meeting and should have a very clear understanding about the quality standard of the product before Starting the inspection.
In Line Must be check quality of each and every Operation / part on assigned line or area.
End Line Inspector checks the complete garments with 100% Inspection.
Inspector Must Keep all Good, defective and rejected Products separately with clear, visible identification (Cutting, sewing Finishing).
AQL Auditor must maintain audit report based on required AQL and Final Measurements in the End Line.
In the finishing side must check complete garments (top side) for its final appearance, proper shapes, Sports are some other defects, which can cause garments quality, labels placement and Ironing.
Effluent Treatment Project (ETP)
A complete ETP project is working all over the working hour with a capacity of 50 m3 / hr and taking complete care to recycle the each drop of waste water from Dyeing factories to keep the environment free from any type of water pollution. Companies Values:- Quality Business with Honesty & Sincerity.
- Conducted by Know How & Amiable People.
- Production & Marketing of Quality Products.
- Providing Garments Quality Management System Service.
Our Commitments
Legal Requirements : Ensuring of all laws and regulation with its implication.Child Labor : Not to employee use any child labor.
Harassment & Abuse: Not to use corporal punishment, threats of violence or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse each employee will be treated with dignity and respect.
Forced Labor : Not to use any forces on involuntary labor whether poisoned bonded or other wise.
Not Discrimination : Not to discrimination in hiring and employment practices including salary benefits, advancement, on the basis of race, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sexual, orientation, gender, political opinion or disability.
Health & Safety : To provide employees with safe and healthy work place in compliance with all applicable laws and regulation, ensuring at a minimum reasonable access to potable water and sanitary facilities fire safety and adequate lighting and ventilation.
Compensation : To recognize that wages are essential to meet employees basic needs. AUTO KNITEX LTD. will at minimum comply with all applicable wages and working hours laws and regulation including those relations to minimum wages over time maximum hours and other elements of compensation, and provide legally mandatory benefits, except in extra ordinary business circumstance. AUTO KNITEX LTD. will not require employees to work more then 48 hours per week & 12 hours over time per week.
Production of Environment: To comply with all applicable environmental laws and Regulation.
Wages and Benefits : We always follow to pay the workers as per gazette notification of the government of Bangladesh.
Hours of Work : We strictly follow the labor law working hours.
Facility of the Workers
- We provide the following facilities:
1. Stair: Two wide and open stairs are available in this building. These are clearly marked for use by male and female workers.
2. Ventilation: Adequate ventilation system exists in the factory, which keeps the temperature comfortable for the workers. Production floors are equipped with sufficient ceiling fan & exhaust fan.
3. Lighting: Sufficient lighting arrangements are there with proper lighting shade fixed along with overhead channel.
4. Cleanness: The factory premise are kept clean, removing the dirt & refuges, cleaners sweep the floor at regular interval effective arrangement are made to dispose off the waste to the nearby dustbin.
5. Water: Sufficient water is supplied from in house deep- tube well to all production lines including toilet, moreover, each floor provide with fresh for portable water.
6. Toilet: Sufficient numbers of toilets are available for male & female workers as per requirements.
7. Emergency electricity supply: During the electricity failure, available generators can fulfill requirement of the whole factory.
8. Salary & Wages :
Salary and wages are paid to the staff and workers as per gazette notification of the government of Bangladesh.
Payment of salary and wages are made regularly by 5th -7th of each month.
In the salary sheet basic salary, house rent, medical allowance and gross salary are shown separately for each employee.
Salary grade: as per Bangladesh gazette.Our Quality Control System:
Our Quality Management system utilizes the process approach and quality management principles contained in the international standard: ISO 9001:205, 9001:2008 and ISO, 9004:200 to enhance our ability to continually improve. Our Scope of work is "100 % Export oriented knit garments"Quality Control Policy:
AUTO KNITEX LTD. Responsibilities for ensuring proper quality are as follows:
A) Factory: The primary responsibility lies with the factory where garments are made factory quality control staffs will ensure proper quality as per laid down quality control system.
B) Quality control staffs working directly under General Manager (Operation) will closely monitor quality of the factory production. In case of any Garments Quality Management System problem they will report to the concerned and corrective actions is taken accordingly.
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