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An Overview of Garment Bulk Procedure in Washing Plant

Mini bulk Procedure

Once the bulk garments are arrived to the washing plant, technical team starts Analysis with Colour continuities. Size set garments etc. And get the Information. Recipe etc from sample section and then do a mini bulk. Normally it is a 7 Kg/10 Kg garments and washing is done at sample Machines. All garments which are selected should be from one shade label...

All product specification must have individual version numbers and dates of issue (for document control purpose). When any changes to the product occur a revised specification must be issued with a new version number and date. If any dry processes are to be done before washing. Like whisker, hand sanding etc. a base standard is provided by the dry processing in change of development Department to the bulk technical team to get the mini bulk produced by using the bulk operators.
Dry processing of the majority garments of the mini bulk is done as per the given Standard. But, few more garments in different levels of dry processes are done By the production and quality team of the bulk dry finishing department to set up The best standard for first bulk.

Couple of garments with bit more intensity to the given standard and another Couple of pieces as per the given standard and another couple of pieces with Bit less intense that the given standard is produced. Each level will Be identified and put in to mini bulk wash load by keeping one piece reference From each level are kept as unwashed references to be selected as the best level to be used for 1st bulk. All copies of the previous version must be removed and destroyed other than the original ‘master copy’ which must be held in a central location in a controlled manner. All the garments of the mini bulk are checked by the quality inspectors as per the standard given by the sample department and ay defect is found, that is Recorded in the hourly dry finishing defect tracking sheet.

All samples and associated documentation to be retained for 6 years. Toy samples must be retained for 10 years.  A route card Lot card containing all the style details machine details etc, will be Issued for mini bulk and the quality assurance worksheet is available in same sheet to be used by the 1st bulk QA team of the QA dept. As per the colour coding system the route card of the mini bulk is in colour blue.
Garment Bulk Procedure in Washing Plant

Once the wet processing of the mini bulk is completed, drying instructions like Dryer type/ tempera6ture/ time etc are provided to the drying team by the technical Team and monitored by the technical team. These dryer instructions are recorded in the recipe to be updated the dryer instructions of the route cards for bulk garment Drying. Once the drying is completed, decision to do the final dry processes like 3D, colour staining etc if available, is taken by the head of technical if the mini bulk is in Acceptable of commercial levels.

After completing all processes, one garment from the mini bulk is handed over to The testing handling team of the QA department to get the testing done through the Internal laboratory (SDL Laboratory) and the rest of the garments of the mini bulk are handed over to the first bulk checking team of the QA dept.

To ensure that the whole risk assessment process is both operated and managed correctly and on a consistent basis, the whole process must be documented into detailed procedures, clearly recording the process and responsibilities.  Test request form (TRF) mentioning the required tests as per the buyer requirements, is filled by the QA team which has been assigned for testing handling before sending the garments for testing. A flow diagram covering all steps in the manufacturing operation must be in place. This may be generic but it is critical that all process steps are included and identified by product. All the defectives found during inspection of mini bulk, are recorded in the quality assurance worksheet which is available at route card, by the first bulk QA team of The QA dept.

All the defectives which were recorded in work sheet are then copied to the 1st bulk assessment sheet to have a proper assessment. Until the proper assessment is done, no any further trails can be done and the test report is needed to do the proper mini bulk assessment. Where a site is involved in all stages of sample development evidence must be available to demonstrate the following :

All type of initial wash loads are checked by the 1st5 bulk checking team of the QA Department. There is an in charge to the 1sr bulk checking team and all type of Highlighting are done by him. If and stitching fabric accessories related defects are found in mini bulk, such defects are immediately brought to the knowledge of head of quality even before the test results are received, to do a proper.
The documented procedures must also be managed on a Document Control basis. Highlighting to the relevant department of the stitching factory to avoid continuing stitching with same defect.

If there is no any defects related to the swing factory, then the defect references. Original standard (Wash target) and assessment sheet are kept by the in charge of the first bulk checking team with him, until the test results are issued by the Lab. After getting the test results, the check list of the assessment sheet is filled by the Head of the first bulk assessment team, based on the approved standard.

Designs are reviewed by the primary supplier to ensure commercial and technical viability before any sampling process begins. The test report is attached to the assessment sheet and all the items like, Shade band of the mini bulk, defect references, original standard and the assessment sheet are forwarded to the head of quality to have a Meeting with the Head of technical and production.
Washing related defectives are highlighted to the heads of technical and Production by the head of quality and get the acknowledgement of them on the assessment sheet with a preventive action. Samples are reviewed by the primary supplier for conformance to required specification before sending to the customer.

A Risk Assessment is carried out on each design for both design and production risks & records are maintained  After getting the attention of heads of technical and production for washing Related defectives and attention of factory representatives of stitching and Fabric related defective. Permission for another mini bulk or1st full bulk is Given by the head of quality depending of the mini bulk achievement in terms of shade, handle, appearance and the test parameters.

After having the mini bulk assessments, the permission for the next bulks is given in writing to the supervisor levels by signing the lot preparation sheet by the head of quality. Until the above proper assessment is done for mini bulk and proper sign offs are done, at assessment sheet as well as at lot preparation sheet, everything must be on hold and any trial loot or full bulk are not allowed to start.
Any repeat order, replenishment quantity, re-starting production with new Fabric consignments, Re-washing etc are treated as new orders and the above mini bilk Procedure should is followed to avoid continuing production with an unidentified defects/ seconds.

First Bulk Procedure

After getting the permission to do the first bulk, a full bulk with necessary recipe Amendments is done by head of technical to prevent from the defectives highlighted during mini bulk stage.All garments which are selected for the 1st bulk are from the same shade label which mini bulk was produced. Colour code of the route card of the first bulk is blue as, blue is the colour code to be used until the bulk continue approval is given.  In addition to the above requirements the following must also be operational:

This requirement only applies to sites undergoing an annual re-audit. (Maintenance Audit)  If any dry processes are to be done before washing like whisker, hand sanding etc, the best reference (as per or closer to the standard) to be selected by the Technical head from the references which are put for the mini bulk as per the best reference 1st bulk to be produced by the bulk operators.

The approved red seal sample including any comments made during the sealing process must be available on site at all times during production where applicable. Majority garments of the 1st bulk will be done as per the given standard. But Production an quality team of the bulk dry finishing department make two garment with bit more intensity to the given standard and two pieces as per standard and two pieces bit less intense than the given standard. Each level are identified and put in to mini bulk wash load by keeping on piece Reference from each level to select the best level under bulk conditions, which can be used for continuing bulk.

All the garments which are completed for dry processing are checked by the Quality inspectors as per the standard provided by the technical head and if nay defect is found, that is recorded in the hourly dry finishing defect tracking sheet. The bulk is monitored by the technical team throughout the process (Dry processes And wet processes) and handed over to the 1st bulk QA team to assess and make Intermediate shade bands if and dry processes are available after 1st part of the Washing Eg- washing up to enzyme and ten do pp Spray.

The bulk is inspected by the 1st bulk quality team for defects and then prepared a shade band of the 1st bulk quality team for defects and then prepare a shade band of the 1st bulk with a counter copy. After putting identifications the shade band is given to technical team to be carried out the next processes. Shade band counter will be used as an intermediate checking standard if the first Bulk is approved to proceed bulks.

Intermediate shade bands which are given by the QA team are checked by the Technical head against the intermediate standards set during mini bulk stage and decide whether to complete the next processes. If the outcome is not up to the expectations, communications are done with head of quality and the head of Production by the head of technical to decide the next action plan.

After completing the wet processes, drying instructions are given by the technical Team based on the mini bulk records and mark those dryer instructions at the bulk Recipe to be followed during bulk production. After drying, one garment from the first bulk is handed over to the testing Handling team of the QA department by the technical team to be tested at SDL Laboratory and then the rest of the garments are handed over to the 1st bulk checking team of the QA department.

 This requirement only applies to sites undergoing an annual re-audit. (Maintenance Audit) All the garments of the first bulk are checked by the 1st bulk QA team for shade. Handle, appearance and dry reprocesses if available, Checking results are reordered In route card firs and then copied to the 1st bulk assessment sheet for proper assessments.

If any dry process is available after doing the final part of the wet processing like 3D whiskers /colour staining etc after final softener process, the shade band with a Counter shade band is prepared by the 1st bulk QA team and them, only the shade Band and couple of more garments for testing purposes, will be handed over to The technical team to do the final dry process.

After completing final dry process of the shade bands. the testing garments Are handed over to the testing team of the QA department by the technical Team and the rest of the garments of the first bulk are kept separately till the test results are received and if the test results are acceptable, the bulk is sent for final dry Process under the supervision of technical team.

All sites, including approved ‘Self Green Sealing Sites’ must have an Approved Green Seal samples available on site. These must be from pre production or first production and have been approved by Buyer .  If test results is not acceptable, first bulk is sent to quarantine are with an identification to do necessary re-processing. After completing the final dry processes of the 1st bulk, all garments are again forwarded to the first bulk team of the QA department and to check for the defects of the final dry process and record in the assessment sheet.

First bulk assessment

All the first bulks assessed by the head of quality to assure a smooth flow of Production by discussing the preventive and corrective actions for the defectives which are found in first bulks.

First bulk assessment is done by the head of quality by filling the check list which is In the assessment sheet. After filling the check list, a first bulk meeting is conducted by the head of quality with, head of technical, head of production and other relevant section in charges to discuss the preventive actions for the defectives found in first bulk.

Acknowledgement for washing/dry processing related defects is done by the relevant in charges and managers, after mentioning the action to be taken at the Action column of the assessment sheet, Acknowledgement for the defects related to stitching fabric or accessories, is taken from the relevant department heads of the stitching factory, If the any critical defects is found which needed attention of full senior team. An email is sent by the head of Quality, case by case.

1st bulk approval procedure

After assessing the first bulk, the permission to submit the shade bands for customer is given by the head of quality, if the shade, handle, appearance, dry finishes and the Test parameters are as per the customer expectations.

SIL will do tacking/stitching during bulk stage for covering elasticized waist or btm hems( it required, with other fabric as well) whereby it is technically required to put such stitches to prevent possible damage during washing. SIL will also close pocket bags only for stone washed garments. These will be done as per request made by SWL during or before PP meeting. SWL will open these stitches before delivering the garments to SIL.

If the shade bands are not as per the customer expectations then one more bulk load is done with necessary recipe amendments to prevent from the defectives found in first bulk.

After doing the second bulk, it is sent through the above 1stl bulk procedure fully.

Then second bulk assessment is done by the head of quality with the technical And production heads to see whether the identified problems has been resolved and also to see whether the general customer expectations like shade, handle, appearance, dry finishes and test parameters are met.

If and major recipe amendments have not been done which affects to the test parameters, 2nd bulk can be assessed referring to the test results of the first bulk. But a garment from the 2nd bulk should be sent for testing to assure that there is no any effect to the product from the recipe amendment.

If the customer expectations are not achieved even in second bulk, discussions are done by the head of quality and head of technical, with top management to see whether the 3rd bulk to be done or re developing of recipe to be done or whether to have necessary communications with the customer if any practical difficulty is found.

If the submitted shade band has been rejected by the customer or approved with comments, permission to do one more bulk load to the technical team, is given by the head of quality and necessary actions to resolve the commented defects are Taken by the head of technical.

In case of any major amendment, advice to do only a mini bulk is given by the head of quality to avoid putting more garments in risk.

Inspection/assessment procedure for any later bulks also will be same as the above 1st bulk procedure until the bulk continue approval is given.

If the bulk shade band is approved without comments and there is no other defects to take preventive actions, bulk continue permission is given by the QAM at the3 1st Bulk assessment sheet and the technical and productions heads are also Acknowledge the sheet.

Bulk continues notice is also given in lot preparation sheet.

An e mail mentioning the approval meeting minutes is given by the technical person who goes for shade ban approval copying to the buyer representatives too.

Repeat orders, replenishment quantities, re-starting production after a time period of minimum one week, re-washing , re-dyeing, are considered as new orders and the above first bulk procedure is followed and final assessments are done before going to the next bulks.

This for avoiding of continuing bulk with any unidentified defects/seconds due to any change which could be happened in fabric, chemicals or any complexities of

Re processing, before completing the procedure, technical team is not allowed to issue the recipes to production.

Bulk shade bands/ Standard handling

Approved garments are handed over to the standard handling auditor and samples are stored at sample cupboard by the sample auditor in black poly bags. A counter shade band is given by the sample handling auditor to be sued in the floor for wash Load inspection.

A standard car45d mentioning all style details and the sample expiry date etc is attached to the each and every counter sample set

The comments given by the customer and also the detectives found during 1st bulk Assessment, are marked at the “things to check” format h by the Quality executives and attached to the each counter shade bands which is used by the quality inspectors in checking tables for 100 % checking and audits.

Bulk shade hangers are prepared for the customers who respect to see the shades in hanger form and the counter copies of the hangers to be sent to the expected parties.

The counter shade bands which are used by the quality inspectors are re issued by the auditor if the appearance is changed due to frequent handling, Changing the counter shade band is done by the auditor as per following schedule.

A record is maintained by the auditor to trace the approved shade bands easily As shade bands are used even by the finishing QA for final inspections.

Approved standards of buyer M&S are disposed soon as the production is over Because the shade hangers from same shade bands are kept for years, shade bands of customer Esprit are kept for 6 months, Approved shade bands of all other customers are kept for 3 months.

Bulk continuing

Final bulk recipe for wet processing and best reference from 1st bulk for dry finishing, are signed and issued to the production team by the head of technical. After getting authorized recipe for load weight, chemicals drying temperature etc and intermediate standard like enzyme references, bleach references etc, bulk Production is continued.

A route card (Lot card) which is generated through SAP system, is issued for each and every wash load by the lot preparation team, A quality assurance worksheet is available in the back side of the route card.
Where any product activates the metal detector alarm, this must be placed in a sealed poly bag and locked in a secure box located at the metal detector.
This must be recorded on the ‘Metal Detector Calibration Form’.
The number of times a product has activated the alarm, as recorded on the ‘Metal Detector Calibration Form’ must equal the number of products being held in the secure box.
The inspection of all products that have activated the alarm must be carried out by a senior member of staff. This process must include the following:
Carry out a ‘9 Point Check’
Re-send each rejected product back through the detector to verify it does activate the alarm. 3. Check ach product with a hand held detector to locate the contamination. 4. If the contamination is located and removed, the product cannot be placed into stock until it has been put through the metal detector again. 5. If the alarm is still activated then the product must be fully destroyed and disposed of safely. 6. If on 1st inspection the Hand Held does not find any contamination the rejected product must be destroyed and safely disposed of
7. Details of the above and the contamination, where found, must be recorded and attached securely on the ‘Metal Contamination Form’.

As per the colour coding system, bulk route card/ QA work sheet is from colour white,

The route card is sent with the wash load throughout the process. After filling the washing machine details/dryer details etc, the route card is forwarded to the auditor who carry out the after dryer audits. 

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About Author:

He is top ranked RMG Digital Marketing Consultant. He is Open Source Software Implementation Expert. He is certified professional from NCC, Aptech and New Horizons .Completed B.Sc.and M.Sc.in Software Engineering from London Metropolitan University. You can Hire Him.

Contact:Cell#+8801792525354 Email:apparelsoftware@gmail.com
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